“Unruggable” NFTs

No IPFS BS. Holdem Heroes are 100% on-chain, making them “Unruggable”

Rafael Hoekstra
Holdem Heroes


Rugs mean different things to different people.

  • To an alt-coiner, a rug is the pulling of liquidity, rendering their tokens unsellable into AMMs.
  • To an NFT collector who’s “in it for the art”, a rug is the bait-and-switch of swapping the metadata associated with their token ID to reveal a carpet jpg instead of a cat jpg.
  • And for most of us, a rug covers the floor with beauty and warmth.

99% of NFTs are Ruggable

99% of NFTs are token IDs which point to metadata, which points to a url hosting an image . So…what do people own?! Really, just the token.

“But the metadata and/or image is hosted on IPFS — that’s decentralized, right?”

More or less, but that’s not the point.

Selection of what metadata an NFT contract (collection) points to is (in most cases) completely centralized. The contract owner can switch this (tokenURI) at any time. And while this can be used for revealing metadata/images or creative applications like Dynamic NFTs, it’s infamously used for “Rugpulls”.

What are people so unhappy about?

Even in a rug pull, token holders still hold their tokens — the tokens can’t be stolen. Ah, as it turns out that’s not what they thought they bought, or in fact what they wanted — they wanted to see (and feel that they owned) a cartoon donkey image!

The Platforms can Rug you too

Furthermore, unfortunately NFT (and crypto) services are more centralized than we may aspire to. The recent and dispassionate critique by Moxie Marlinspike breaks this down in detail, including pointing out that OpenSea regularly does the equivalent of a rug. Being blacklisted by the behemoth means your NFT’s image is hidden not only on their platform, but on all services dependent and trusting of their API — including MetaMask.

Moxie’s NFT that got blacklisted by OpenSea. The platform rugged him of his own NFT.

Holdem Heroes is “Unruggable”

Our collection does not use IPFS.
There are no off-chain .json files.
There is no external folder of images.

Holdem Heroes NFTs (and game) is entirely on-chain!
Card images are on-chain SVG data. There is no “ruggable” external metadata.

One of few other NFT projects to do this are the Crypto Punks, who launched in 2017, and finally put their images on-chain four years later.

On. Fucking. Chain.
Of Course. As crypto is meant to be. Vires in numeris.

